Where would you be without your customers? Without your partners? Without your employees?
A business succeeds because of the people that operate it and support it. Without the people, the business goes nowhere.
I know this is obvious information, but knowing and doing something about it are two different things. Take a moment to say “thank you” to the people who keep your business thriving. Here’s a few ways you can do that with online content.
Personalize your about page.
An about page for a business will certainly describe the entity, but it can (and should) recognize the people behind the company, too. This humanizes your brand and gives recognition to your team—the people who get things done.
Create a partners web page.
Include the logos and links of your partners (with their approval) on a partners or clients page. Show you appreciate your connections.
Update the news and events page.
Feature your news and your events, of course, but feature the news and events of your customers and partners, too. Spread the love, and do it often.
Share free knowledge with your readers.
Your website visitors and customers want free stuff. More importantly, they want to be better at what they do. In addition to coupons and special deals, create a download with valuable information. Whether it’s a buyer’s guide for the latest gadgets or a how-to guide for landscaping your backyard, this small download shows your appreciation.
Give everyone a voice.
Ask your staff to post to social media accounts and write blog posts on issues important to them. Give your customers and partners a voice, too. Interview them and create a feature story about your work together. Better yet, offer to write guest blog posts for their sites free of charge.
Read what your stakeholders are posting.
Make it a point every day to re-tweet, re-blog, bookmark, like, and comment on the online content that your partners and friends publish.
Generally speaking…
When you write your website content, social media content, and blog content remember the 3:1 ratio. Talk about your customer three times more than you talk about yourself. When you speak about your customer consistently you prove you are considerate of the needs of the community you serve and happy that they’ve stopped by.
How do you show your appreciation with online content?
Integrating gratitude into online content – now that’s a subject you don’t see every day! As a corporate copywriter I am super grateful I found your blog and website. You really walk the talk and your free practical advice, ebooks and other resources have been a huge help to me. Thank you Sara!
And to answer your question, a quick (if obvious) way to show gratitude is to dedicate a post on your business blog about what you learned from working with a particular client or partner. This could be either a profile or interview. LinkedIn testimonials are also a quick, easy way to show appreciation.
Absolutely, Brittany. Great ideas. Thanks for sharing.