After I graduated from college I toured Europe for three months. When I returned home I needed work. Fast.
During the day I searched for writing gigs and at night I worked with various promotions companies in Denver. Since that little adventure, I always take a flyer or a free sample when it’s offered to me.
Why? Because the person handing out those items can go home when all the items are gone.
When I stumbled on the website for Zag Marketing I quickly reflected back on my days in promotions…because that’s similar to what they do. The series of jobs I held was a great learning experience for me. It taught me about people. It taught me about marketing. It taught me that a pair of Dansko clogs will prevent sore feet and blisters.
While I was on the Zag Marketing site, I also marveled at their use of testimonials on the home page, which is something I strongly recommend. A website content writer should never write testimonials for you, but he or she should provide guidance on how to incorporate those testimonials into the copy.
The people at Zag Marketing did it right, which is why I’ve chosen them for this week’s example of sharp website content.
The screenshot above shows how Zag Marketing included a portion of several client testimonials on their home page. In order to read the entire testimonial, you have to hover over the line with your mouse. Click here to see how it’s done.
Not only has Zag Marketing included testimonials on one of the most important web pages of any website, but they also added an interactivity component to keep visitors engaged. Double points for sharp website content!