I don’t want to name any names, but I may be talking to you…because we’ve all done it. You know, scheduled a post for your company Twitter page, and then laying in bed all groggy-eyed scrolling through your feed avoiding the imminent start to your day, and, oh, what’s that? That’s a post about my biz. I think I’ll click the heart for that one.

While favoriting you own Twitter post won’t break the internet or keep you from getting customers, it does provoke an eye roll from people who notice. Of course, you like the post. You posted it!

Stop it.

stop liking your own postsA second scenario might be that you share admin responsibilities with a colleague on your Facebook page. He or she posts to Facebook. You see the post. And you think, hey, that’s great. I’ll like it.

Stop right there.

If you are an admin of a page, Facebook defaults to you liking anything on your page as your page. To override that, select the icon on the right side of the post (it’ll be your company’s profile image) and then select “you” from the dropdown. Now, you can like the post as yourself, which is authentic.

The key word here is authenticity. When it comes to engaging on social media, do what you would do in real life.  Be authentically you. You wouldn’t give yourself a thumbs up or a high five, so don’t do it online.


Your loving and slightly annoyed food biz marketers at The Condiment Marketing Co.

Sara Lancaster

About Sara Lancaster

Sara is The Condiment Marketing Co.’s founder and creative director. She oversees client relationships, strategic marketing plans, as well as a bit of copywriting and social media management.