Down and Dirty Facebook Content Tips for the Business Without Any Time for a Strategy

Down and Dirty Facebook Content Tips for the Business Without Any Time for a Strategy


Most marketing pros will tell you…

  • You should never market on Facebook without a strategy.
  • You should always identify your online marketing goals and objectives.
  • You should only focus on social networks that give you a positive ROI.
  • And on and on and on and on.

The marketing pros are right. You should create a marketing plan according to your goals and you should always measure to make sure you’re getting money back on your investment. However, for a lot of businesses there’s no time for that and/or they know they’re not going to get a ton of return because of the nature of their industry.

If you’ve been putting off Facebook for one or both of these reasons, stop it. I say create your Facebook page now so that the search engines and your customers can at least find you. You can perfect as you go.

Once you’ve gotten your page created (check out Facebook’s instructions), follow these five down and dirty Facebook content tips to get you going fast. Read More »

The Best Way to Get Clicks and Comments on Your Social Media Posts

The Best Way to Get Clicks and Comments on Your Social Media Posts

Post a picture of a cute animal to your social media accounts. Better yet, post a picture of a cute animal to your blog and tease people to your blog through provocative or fun social media posts. People will click. Even the grumpiest of executives can’t resist a cuddly bear.

[Photo: Brown bear at the Denver Zoo. Photo courtesy of ME. It’s a Sara Lancaster original.]

Social Media Planning, Objectives, and Buckets – Part 2

Social Media Planning, Objectives, and Buckets – Part 2

In the last post, I left off talking about buckets in social media planning. A bucket holds everything that will go into achieving a single objective including the places you will hang out within social media (e.g., Facebook) and the tasks you complete within those accounts.

Fifth, decide who and for how much time

Maybe you are the person who spends 30 minutes every morning on social media or maybe you have several people in the office responsible for monitoring your social media accounts every day, all day. Whatever the case, keep it consistent. An abandoned Facebook fan page will have the opposite impact you are looking for. Read More »

Social Media Planning, Objectives, and Buckets – Part 1

Social Media Planning, Objectives, and Buckets – Part 1

If your business wants to incorporate social media into its marketing mix, then it must come up with a plan. All effective marketing is backed by a plan.

Do you have a social media marketing plan?

First, decide on your goal. Think about your mission statement. What is the one thing your business hopes to accomplish? Take that idea and pull it into social media. For instance, I want to help small businesses create killer web content. Using social media, I connect with small business owners to offer marketing ideas and my services. Read More »

Make Great Stuff – Unleasher of Creativity and Social Media Power

Make Great Stuff – Unleasher of Creativity and Social Media Power

After meeting Sarah Bush of Make Great Stuff at a networking event and spending a couple of weeks participating in her famous 20-Minute Club, I begged to interview her on how she uses social media to promote her creative workshops. I actually asked Sarah very coolly for the interview, but if she would’ve said no, I was prepared to beg. She’s that good at marketing her work.

If you use social media to promote your business or your creative work, I strongly encourage you to read on. Sarah shares many tips and insights into how to make the social media machine work. Grab your notebooks. This stuff is gold! Read More »