I’m an Unpopular Web Content Writer. But I Make Money Anyway.

I’m an Unpopular Web Content Writer. But I Make Money Anyway.

When I first started working as a website content writer, I spent a big chunk of my day reading online. I had to know about all the SEO discoveries as they were discovered. I needed to know what all the marketing gurus were saying as they were saying them. I left countless blog comments. I re-tweeted endlessly.

After several months of being inundated with information and kissing strangers’ butts, something bad happened. Something really bad.

I wanted to quit.

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A Campaign Against Industry Jargon

A Campaign Against Industry Jargon

Your website called. It’s annoyed with all those buzzwords, acronyms, and six syllable words in its content. Your website said that it’s dying for creativity and language that the search engines can index. Most importantly, your website said you’ve scared away customers with all that jargon.

In the next several posts I’ll be talking about how industry jargon and buzzwords bring down your website and your marketing efforts. First up, let’s talk about what it all means. Read More »

When Writing Puts Your Health at Risk

When Writing Puts Your Health at Risk

I’m not a snob about grammar, punctuation, or spelling. However, this sign scares me in a few different ways.


What bothers you most about this photo? I have a handful of peeves, but I’ll wait until later to share.

Twitter Brings Back the Exclamation Mark

Twitter Brings Back the Exclamation Mark

twitter-exclamation-markFor years I refused to incorporate the exclamation mark into my writing, unless it was on a birthday card. For some reason “Happy Birthday!” looks so much better than “Happy Birthday.

But in the last few months I’ve noticed that the pesky exclamation mark has made its way into my everyday writing. How could this be?

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