bring sunshine to your headline writingWeb Content Tip #1 – Add your phone number to your header. Make it easy for potential customers to contact you. Very easy.

Web Content Tip #2 – Include a mailing address on your contact page, post your picture on the about page, and publish real testimonials throughout the site. All of these items will help your visitors to trust you.

Web Content Tip #3 – Start most of your sentences with “you” or active verbs.

Web Content Tip #4 – Have a link to your home page and contact page in the navigation bar. Keep your navigation bar consistent throughout your website.

Web Content Tip #5 – Every important page needs a creative headline that addresses the reader’s problem. Don’t say “Home” on your home page. Say something more intriguing like, “Your Source for Sunshine When There Is None.”

Web Content Tip #6 – Write a call to action for every page. What do you want the visitor to do next? Tell them.

Web Content Tip #7 – Arrange the bulk of your information so that it appears above the fold. Remember that most people won’t scroll a whole lot. Include your calls to action in obvious places up high.

Web Content Tip #8 – Write appropriate page titles that include keywords. You’ll need to understand a little bit about web development to change page titles (the words that appear at the very top of the browser to describe the web page). If you don’t know how to change your page titles, talk to your developer about changing them for you. The titles should look something like this: “Website Content Writing | Sharp Web Writing Services.”

Web Content Tip #9 – Every page needs to tell a different story. Rewriting the same two or three concepts over and over again will not convert visitors to customers. Make each page unique and relevant to the topic.

Web Content Tip #10 – Connect via social media and collect email addresses with a newsletter sign up form or you might lose potential fans and customers.


What must-follow web content rules do you follow?

Sara Lancaster

About Sara Lancaster

Sara is The Condiment Marketing Co.’s founder and creative director. She oversees client relationships, strategic marketing plans, as well as a bit of copywriting and social media management.